The WKB Women’s Fellowship meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 11 AM.
All women of the church and community are invited to attend!
WKB History
The Wealtha Kent Bliss Women’s Fellowship of The Rehoboth Congregational Church was started on July 18, 1916 with a donation in her memory from her granddaughter Louise Balcom. This fellowship embraces all women of the church and community to help it meet its goals of upkeep of the church and care of the needy. It gives us the opportunity to “serve” as we participate in activities and meet together for the betterment of our community and the world.
The WKB began the annual Christmas Bazaar and continues to provide the home baked goods, jams, jellies, candy and beans as well as many of the sewing, knitting and crocheting crafts for it. The fellowship organization the collations after memorial or funeral services at the church. WKB members will help with the cooking or driving services for the elderly or those in need. When there is a need, WKB will be there